How I live Now

So I like those weird, different, indie movies. Okay, you caught me. I actually LOVE them. Growing up, every Saturday night my family and I would go out to Cici’s in the next town over (My town was/is substantially tiny: We now have a subway and a sonic).

Anyways, we’d gorge ourselves on pasta and pizza..still my favorite place ever to go out..and afterwards we’d go to Hollywood Video (before it ran out of business) and we’d rent about three videos. One that my dad had been wanting to watch, one my brother wanted to watch, and one I wanted to watch. My mom didn’t really care that much. It was a tradition that lasted a long time. When Hollywood shut down, we sometimes went to Blockbuster or the Video Place. Then Redbox came along. We grew up, my brother got a family and moved out, I started college, etc. We rarely ever do that anymore.

I’m telling you this story because I grew up on mainstream movies. It wasn’t a bad childhood. I actually loved our Saturday nights. Driving to the next town jamming out to 80s night on the radio. Stuffing our faces with fatty foods. Watching action movies and the one random romance I wanted to watch. It was perfect.

I guess it started my junior year of high school. I was on youtube to watch one video. You know how that goes. Pretty soon I got to trailers I never saw. Then my family got netflix and I clicked on the Independent category…and my relationship with indie flicks prospered from there.

The last three indie movies I watched: How I Live Now, Stuck in Love, and The Lifeguard.

Stuck in Love and The Lifeguard: I love Veronica Mars. Why is this relevant? Well Kristen Bell is Veronica Mars. Imagine my surprise when I find out that Kristen Bell is actually what seems to be a pretty cool person off screen. So I follow her and everything she does. She stars in The Lifeguard and she’s a supporting role in Stuck in Love. Both great movies. WATCH THEM.

I came across the How I Live Now trailer on youtube. It recommended it to me since I liked The Host, starring Saoirse Ronan. This indie film also starred Ronan. I watched the trailer and I had goosebumps from just the trailer. (You know it’s going to be good when that happens). Anyways, watched it. Loved it. yada yada yada.

One of the things I love most about indie films? (Because there is no way I can narrow it down to just one) The soundtracks. Ahhh. Such greatness.

Now down to the reason I wrote this whole post, this song: Home by Daughter, which I got from How I Live Now. It’s my song of the week. And month, and so on….<3  I love it because I can relate. And that’s all anyone ever wants to do. Relate.

So enjoy. And before anyone asks, yes I realize this is an “old” song by release date terms and that yes, maybe you’ve already heard it before. Relaxxxx. Listen to her lilting, haunting voice again. ENJOY.



Sooo…this used to be linked to an outrageously awesome mix that my friend made but it’s not working anymore..So I’m just going to link to another awesome mix he did. Don’t worry, it’s still just so stinking good. 

Hello my wordpress lovers, long time no blog.  Sit and do nothing. Dance like a crazy person. Listen to it with headphones at work. Whatever you want. Just listen to it. I’m not one for shoutouts. At all. This is just an awesome mix. I’ve already downloaded it and it’s my playlist of sorts as I work on a book I’m writing. I love you guys. Have a great day wherever you are!