
Today, my friend posted a 9gag on my wall that I just had to repost on here. 


She said it reminded her of me. Which is so true. We were just driving the other day and this happened. It actually happens at least once every. single. time. I’m driving. 

It’s so annoying because I’ll be driving along when all of a sudden, the car in front of me blindly turns left or right. Seriously? Okay, I understand when you’re searching for a street or house number or whatever. But girl, (or guy) you saw that taco bell a mile back. You can work. that. turn. signal. Go ‘head! Don’t be shy. 

Or when you’re sitting there waiting to turn on a road and the car you’ve been waiting for turns on your road without a blinker……….. -_- Did you really just see me wait and make me wait more when you knew you could have turned on the blinker to alert me that there was no point in waiting? One little switch of a finger, it’s not that hard. People these days.

Life and people are such trolls. haha Okay, that’s my semi rant of the day. But seriously. That’s how I feel. every. single. time. 


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